PREMIERE: Rauchle Puts A 'Charge' Into Your Bones With Latest Belligerent Banger – FUXWITHIT

Jed Rauchle, also known simply as Rauchle, has been flambeing up some of the spiciest audible amalgamations to come from the land down under. With only a few tracks firmly notched firmly under his belt, his arsenal is still growing, but his talent is brightly blooming. Adding to his cooky conglomerate of cohesive air wiggles, he’s started off October in prime form with the release of his blistering track ‘Charge,’ out on Headbang Society, and we’ve had the great pleasure of premiering it right here for you on FUXWITHIT.
Thick, bombastic trap horns were a massive staple in the 2015 era of trap, and have seemingly fallen off that particular soundscape ever since. Now, Rauchle has brought them back in true proper fashion, sprinkling them ever-so-carefully into ‘Charge,’,adding an air of elegance and regalness to the mix as a whole. Couple them with the airy flute melody in the background and the deep vocals, you have the anthem for a war general about to take over an entire continent. A true gut-buster of a track, this is one that fully deserves a festival sound system setup, as it fully bodies ever set of ears in sight to make destructive capabilities. Taking absolutely no prisoners, Rauchle is out for more than blood this time around, and ‘Charge’ is his lethal weapon of choice. Check it out for yourself below!