Thelem Starts The Halloween Season With A Bang With His 'Analogic' EP – FUXWITHIT

Dark, spooky, and full of electric energy is a fantastic way to describe the traditional Halloween aesthetic, and yet also perfect for a manic sonic manipulator out of Los Angeles by the production name of Thelem. Known for his eccentrically ominous style that even gets the grim reaper itself dropping it low, he crafts only the inkiest of lively soundscapes. Choosing pristine quality over enormous quantity, his releases are few and far between, but boy, when he drops new tunes, prepare to strap in for a no holds barred thrill ride. Back at it once again with the first glimpse into his production vault in 2020, he’s expertly cultivated a soundtrack truly fitting for the undeniably most exciting day in October courtesy of his satisfyingly murky Analogic EP.
Ever wondered what the battle song of a twerking skeleton army would sound like? Look no further. Sporting some of the most robust wubs in all the land, the title track, ‘Analogic’, wastes no time in setting a tone for the rest of the audible adventure to come. Opening up with bone-crushing bass lines and sounds reminiscent of when the killer in horror movies finds their initial prey, listeners will be sucked into the inquisitive nature and pulsating rhythm. Add in the utilization of an otherwordly amount of movement and swing, and you’ll be filled to the brim with a delightful sense of evil, putting the old adage “it feels so good to be so bad” to the test.
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines “causatum” as “something that is caused”. In this instance, as a collaboration with a fellow purveyor of the deeper side of bass music, Onhell, the only thing this ‘Causatum’ causes is utter chaos. Wasting no time in divulging its gruesome intentions, this track aims to steal your soul straight from your flesh suit via express travel through your ear canals. Fuck an elongated exorcism, this track takes only 3 minutes 17 seconds to bring out all sorts of unearthly ghouls. The first deluge of guttural carnage is reminiscent of a demonic washing machine on a ferocious spin-cycle, busting listeners back and forth with little regard for human life. A quick switch-up and immaculate use of space leaves one compulsively checking their pulse, momentary existence a thing of the past.
With a name like ‘Sweets,’ one might expect this track to be on the softer side of the spectrum, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Continuing the trend of ominous lunacy that is prevalent throughout the rest of Analogic, ‘Sweets’ is as debilitating as it is savory. A tell-tale sign of an instant banger is an expertly placed gunshot sample right before the drop, and this instance is assuredly no different. Lambasting listeners with a menagerie of opaque sounds that coerce all in ear-shot to don black attire, you can surely add this to all your most petrifying playlists.
Capping off Analogic in true proper fashion, ‘Akemie’s Dub’ is the energizing swamp fest you didn’t know you needed. Imbuing all within its sonic clutches with the full power of the Necronomicon itself, raising the undead from the earth beneath your feet will be classified under your more tame of powers. With danceability skyrocketing sheer off the charts, this is one piece that will have you moving and grooving to your heart’s desire, feeling like a true black-hearted badass the entire way through.
Arguably one of the hottest EP releases of the entire year, Thelem has crushed this release square out of the park. A perfect soundtrack to any (appropriately socially distanced) Halloween party, Analogic will surely be bumped compulsively throughout the entire rest of the month, and for many many more months to come. Check it out in full for yourself below!