Rossy And Jazz Cartier Call Upon Angels Of Light And Darkness With ‘KARMA’

Rossy‘s spiritual and bright persona shines on a whole new scale within her works and performances. Her journey has been filled with challenges, obstacles, and tests. All being completely surpassed due to her colorful passion and mighty strength within her soul. Beaming across her legacy as it evolves further and further into her self-created realm. From many outstanding releases and top-tier live shows, her path glistens with success and unbreakable force. Making her wings spread out towards the heavens. And her newest single with Jazz Cartier called ‘KARMA’ completely takes the audience on a wild ride at light speed. Soaring through clouds of hope.

This is the first track being released from her exciting upcoming debut EP, HEAVENS DOOR. Listeners from all over are already ecstatic with support for the artist! And ‘KARMA’ is the perfect first piece to present this monumental next step. Showcasing a new side to her project while paying homage to her roots in their entirety. From a cinematic introduction filled with gorgeous frequencies and instrumentation to Jazz Cartier’s impactful vocals flooding throughout the purpose of the track, this is an instant festival anthem that will last for many years to come.

The drums paired with her wild sound design open up many doors to where this track could go! From an earth-shattering electronic trap section to a jersey club environment, the surprises are endless and only get better and better with each listen. And with a monstrous melodic drop at the end, the journey concludes on a dreamy and angelic note. Making listeners go crazy with praise and inspiration. Ready and excited for more! So make sure to show your support by streaming ‘KARMA’ everywhere via HARD Recs!

ROSSY · KARMA (With Jazz Cartier)