PREMIERE: DMVU Guides Lost Souls Down A Dark Corridor With ‘Compass’

DMVU has impacted the scene with spine-tingling sound design and storytelling for years now. Gaining major traction from his audience and colleagues throughout the underground. His crisp and flow-filled rhythms truly separate him from the rest of the competition out there, always diving into a brand new realm of frequencies with each release. And to build even more hype around his upcoming EP, Tools For Those Who’ve Lost Their Way, it’s our pleasure to help premiere his next single, ‘Compass.’ An unexpected and gorgeous turn of events in the forms of comforting melodies. An OG Trap sound and a nostalgic arrangement. The song completely opens listeners’ eyes from its suave wave of emotion and intoxicating aura surrounding the piece itself.
‘Compass’ was the track that Started this EP. I wrote it entitled it with the thought of songs kind of being like tools, and then thought to myself “ Well people don’t just have a single tool, you have a whole box of them.” And that point it seemed kind of obvious that I needed to make this a whole project. I was also really happy with the kind of dissonant and pretty melody that track had. Which led to me incorporating that same key to other tracks on the project.DMVU
Recently releasing ‘Lantern Bearer’ off the EP, fans were ecstatic and wanted another peek into his newest group of gems. And ‘Compass’ will fulfill that curiosity and mystery right away. Known for his heavy-hitting bass tunes, this specific single takes his style to a whole new level. Changing up the flow in an everlasting form of sound due to its slower-paced adventure and taking over your minds one by one, ‘Compass’ transports you back in time and injects the same nostalgic feel when listening to this style of art for the first time. Every element within works in harmony with one another. It’s songs like this that really make the artist so versatile. We’re stoked to hear what comes next for this musician, but for now, make sure to go support by streaming ‘Compass’ via Dome Of Doom!