mark veins, Shöckface And Bromar Seduce Listener's Hearts With 'last breath' – FUXWITHIT

Creating a suave and endless ride of emotions, mark veins, Shöckface and Bromar share their newest track, ‘last breath.’ An enticing and hypnotizing trip of melody, healthy rhythms, and more. Molding a safe and gorgeous space of pure talent and charisma. Nurturing the souls of many with seductive vocals and lyrics. Showcasing how powerful they are as a team.
When it comes to priceless and flawless works of soothing environments, mark veins and Shöckface are quick to come to mind. The skills they possess are truly unmatched. Taking the hands of fans and guiding them down a unique and colorful path of pure peace and fulfillment. Pushing boundaries further and further. Sharing beautiful and intellectual timeless records. As for Bromar, his vocal and songwriting abilities truly shine throughout every piece he puts out. And being a regular collaborator with mark veins, combining all of their qualities paid off in such a heartfelt fashion. Making one of the most notable tracks of the year so far.
‘last breath’ is an ominous and jaw-dropping performance from all three legends. Shining a major light on each of their signature styles and characteristics. From an airy and futuristic spectrum from mark veins and Shöckface, to memorable and time-shattering lyrics from Bromar, this is the collaboration you needed to help heal your mindsets. The way everything comes together is nothing but inspiring and leaves feelings of passion deep within your hearts. Impactful drums, deep basslines, and more, you’ll become addicted over and over again. An endless cycle of praise and happiness. Feeling right at home no matter where you are. So make sure to go support these icons by streaming ‘last breath.’