Guest Mix + Interview – R3LL – FUXWITHIT

In a genre as misunderstood and misrepresented as Jersey Club, there’s one name who continues spearheading the movement as a voice of light, love, and motivation: R3LL. An original member of Brick Bandits, the pioneer has been championing the sound since 2008 when he decided, “I didn’t want to be in the crowd anymore, I wanted to DJ.”
R3LL began gaining traction with his official remixes for Cashmere Cat, Keys N Krates, and Lido, going on to bring the booty-bouncing genre to massive stages like Tomorrowland, Coachella, and EDC. And the beatmaker is well-deserving of his flowers. In 2017, he told The Odyssey, “I never really wanted to do it for the money or the fame I mostly just wanted to take the music I grew up with and create a culture around it that I could share with the world.”
Throughout his career, he’s been praised by publications such as SPIN, Thump (RIP), and The Fader for his continued work in pushing his city’s sound. And today, we’re honored R3LL is joining us for our very first guest mix of 2022. Get ready for an hour full of unadulterated club music by a living legend, and get to know a little more about him below.
Hey, R3LL. We’re so hyped you’re kicking off our 2022 guest mix series. How have you been?
I’m doing well, Thank you for asking. I appreciate you guys for having me in the mix. Looking to kick off 2022 with a bang.
East coast club music had a huge boom in the mid-2010s and is finally making its way back around. You were actually one of the pioneers in bringing Jersey club to popularity during that time. Would you say your approach to producing the genre has changed over the years to resonate with what people are listening to now?
Yeah, the 2010s were a good time for Jersey club. My approach to music I wouldn’t say have changed that much. But what I would say is I’m making more Jersey club songs people can sing along to and really remember to accompany the traditional club chops and recognizable samples included in the music production.
As they continue to dive they’ll find hidden gems that will change their lives and perspectives on the genre for the better.
Is there anything you want new club music lovers to know about the genre as they dig deep into the archives?
I would love new club music lovers to dive deeper into the music and the artist they like and support. There are so many different styles and artists asides from myself and the surface level. As they continue to dive they’ll find hidden gems that will change their lives and perspectives on the genre for the better.
I always get notifications that you’ve joined a clubhouse chat or Twitter space. Why do you think you gravitate towards this type of platform so heavily?
Clubhouse and Twitter spaces allow me to talk and connect with people beyond the music and get an idea of what their thinking, listening to, and would like to expect next with the music. Also, I’m on there to get knowledge and learn myself so I’m listening most of the time.
We know you love Verzuz. So we created a special Verzuz: Jersey edition, for you. Let us know who’s winning.
“Taylor ham” verzuz “pork roll”
Taylor ham
Bed squeak verzuz “dick” sample
Bed squeak
Central Jersey verzuz no central jersey
North Jersey!
Pumping your own gas verzuz fist-pumping at the club
I don’t fist pump at all. We get the running man, sexy walk, or patty cake goin.
We got our own sound when it comes to music, styles, and taste. We can all see how Jersey club for example continues to inspire the world and go beyond the state lines. WE JUST VIRAL OUT HERE!
Thank you for doing that with us! Speaking of Jersey, there are a lot of misconceptions about it. And especially as someone from New York City, there’s always been a lowkey rivalry between the states. Is there anything you want to clear up about Jersey?
Jersey is just its own state! (no disrespect) We got our own sound when it comes to music, styles, and taste. We can all see how Jersey club for example continues to inspire the world and go beyond the state lines. WE JUST VIRAL OUT HERE! lol
Do you have anything to say to people who say they’re from NYC but are really from NJ?
Cut the bullshit y’all need to stop that nonsense you’ll never be a true New Yorker.
Expect bangers. Some new, old, underground, mainstream, & hidden gems. You’re getting the vibes pretty much.
We’re hyped to start off the year with some Jersey club. Like I said before, I feel a lot of people haven’t appreciated it as much in recent years, but it’s always been one of our favorite genres to cover. What can we expect from this mix today?
Expect bangers. Some new, old, underground, mainstream, & hidden gems. You’re getting the vibes pretty much.
Is there anyone you think we should have on next?
Of course, more artists from Jersey. But I think you should get some from Bmore. My recommendation would be Calvo Music he’s one of my favs doing Baltimore club music.
Before we let you go, we want to start off this year with some positivity. And one thing anyone should know if they follow you is that you’re the Motivational Master of Twitter. Do you have any words for us as we try to reach all of our goals in 2022?
Keep your head up. Continue to move forward. Think for yourself and don’t let your imagination die.
Is there anything you want to talk about that we haven’t asked about? Anything you want to plug in?
New music on the way. In the meantime go listen to my Fantasy EP and my entire catalog of music to hold you.
Thank you again and happy new year!