‘From The Start’ By camoufly And sober rob Is Already A Classic

I warn you. This article will be a short one without a detailed “technical” analysis. On the other hand, the closer something gets to perfection, the less there is to say about it. Perfection is not something that can be analyzed, turned inside out. It can only be admired. Stop. You’ll probably have already figured out where this write-up is going, but I feel that it is not the time to say it yet.
“I had this idea sitting on my hard drive for more than a year, but luckily Rob — someone I look up to — took a chance at helping me finish it,” camoufly stated. It was odd to read these words and discover that ‘From The Start’ wasn’t created four-handed by scratch or that it didn’t come straight out of an intensive studio session where camoufly and sober rob locked themselves up for two weeks. Yet, the chemistry between the two artistic interpretations is immaculate. Despite the surprise, I can’t say I couldn’t see this coming. The two already have directly and indirectly given evidence of being on the same wavelength (I remind you that they wrote this collaborative article a while ago).
It’s very interesting how in the official statement camoufly describes ‘From The Start.’ I find the contrast and apparent conflict of many of the terms extremely bizarre and fascinating. You find words like “complex” and “intricate” alongside “colorful” and “genuine.” The reason I dwell on this small detail is because I’d personally never have used terms like the first ones to describe the song. From the point of view of a profane listener (who knows nothing of technical stuff) ‘From The Start’ enchants with its transparency and authenticity. It has the same power as a glass of fresh, crystal clear water. It flows effortlessly. It fully satisfies you. Taking up the concept expressed at the beginning of the article, it’s easy to put together a full-bodied, passionate analysis of an elaborate cocktail. But what can you do when you find yourself in front of a glass of water? What can you say about something so simply perfect? You can just acknowledge its status. Then, coming to the point of this review, this is the only thing I can tell you: ‘From The Start’ is perfect.
Maybe there’s one more thing. That vocal sample is so damn, great.
‘From The Start’ was premiered on Sound (where it sold out in a single minute) but now is available on all streaming platforms.