You’re A Boss Now: ‘BMF’ Season 2 Episode 7 Recap

Source: Courtesy / Starz
This week’s episode of BMF was titled ‘Both Sides of the Fence.’ In a risky move that could cost them their lives, Meech and Terry travel to St. Martin to steal K-9’s Columbian connect. Click inside to read the full recap of BMF Season 2 Episode 7.

Source: Courtesy / Starz
Another week, another scheme for the Flenory boys. Meech is adamant about becoming suppliers instead of being buyers. To make that happen, he and Tee would have to go behind K-9’s back to make a deal with Columbians. K-9’s cousin Rayzin was the middle man in everything. He set up Meech and Terry’s trip to St. Martin. Meech and Tee disagreed on whether they should bring Rayzin with them and if they should pull-up with guns or not. They settled on Rayzin not coming with them. To Meech’s surprise, when it was time to go, Tee still decided to pack the guns.
Upon arrival in St. Martin, Meech is quickly distracted by a beautiful woman. She seduces him and sets him to get knocked out and robbed for their guns and money. The Columbians ordered this to happen to split the pair up. After Meech and Terry explain why working with them would be beneficial, the Columbians agree to work with them. Instead of the 100 they were expecting, they’re blessed with 300 bricks on consignment. On top of that, they didn’t even have to smuggle the drugs back. They were already in the United States waiting for them when Meech and Terry got back home. Rayzin was also waiting for them when they returned. Meech realized while talking to the Columbians that Rayzin had ulterior motives and was probably going to try and kill them once they got back. He let the PA Boys know of his suspicions and they were there in the knick of time to take Rayzin out before he could shoot Terry and Meech.
Meech not only had to make some tough decisions, but he also had to have some tough conversations. The first one was with his father. The first was with his father. Charles admitted to Meech that he wasn’t perfect. He continued to explain that what he was doing had nothing to do with Lucille. Surprisingly, Meech decided to keep his father’s secret touched in order to keep his mother from having to deal with more pain. There’s now an interesting dynamic between the father and son. How long can we expect Meech to keep his mouth shut? One thing Meech didn’t keep his mouth shut about was his new deal with Columbians. Like a real one, he told K-9 straight up about the meeting. He also mentioned how he saved K-9’s life while making the deal. Instead of being upset about losing some of his best workers and them going behind his back, K-9 salutes Meech and mentions how he would’ve did the same thing. What’s next for this business relationship?

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As if the drug game wasn’t stressful enough, Tee has serious women issues. Wanda goes to a fortune reader and finds out that she’s pregnant. This causes an argument between the two and Terry ends up leaving. After attempting to make her jealous earlier in the day by talking to another woman at her job, Tee takes Markisha out. He lets her know the opportunity that he and Meech have with Columbians. He also shares the news that Wanda gave him but reassures Markisha that he doesn’t love his baby mother.
After a successful trip to St. Martin, Tee got back to Detroit and had to deal with a whole lot of drama. Wanda approaches him about the pictures of him and Markisha that she got from the cops. Wanda berates him about his decisions and drops a bomb on him. She lets him know that Detectives Bryant and Jin came around looking into him and that she would no longer cover for him. Obviously, one girlfriend having smoke with him wasn’t enough. Markisha calls Tee after she gets into yet another situation with her husband Boom. Terry suggests that she just leaves him. Markisha insists that it’s not as easy as it sounds and Terry wouldn’t understand. She gets angrier as the conversation continues and demands that Tee take her home. At some point soon, Markisha is going to have to figure out what she wants. Hopefully, Tee can get his affairs in order so that he can solely focus on the business.

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We find out right away that it was indeed Detective Bryant who kidnapped B-Mickie. Bryant asks B-Mickie where the drugs that he gave him to catch Meech were. After B-Mickie tells him that he doesn’t know, Bryant tells him that he’s going to put his mother back into a bad home and charge him for the murders he’s committed. Bryant isn’t the only person looking the drugs. The department that let Bryant use the drugs for their sting needed them back. Bryant tells Jin that he knows someone who can give them a synthetic that doubles as coke.
Meanwhile, as BMF showed their respects to Sockie, Detectives Bryant and Jin interrupted the celebration of life. Bryant decided that he wanted to ask Meech about the missing drugs in person. Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t get any answers. Jin and Bryant choose to go a different route. They go to Wanda’s house and give her pictures of Tee having sexual relations with Markisha. They threaten to involve her in the cases if she doesn’t give them some valuable information.
After successfully returning the drugs to where they got them, Bryant invites Jin to his home for food with him and his son. Jin shows that she’s really good with his son as they watch a karate flick and show off their moves. The two share an intimate kiss outside. This new fling is very interesting and something we have to keep an eye on. Speaking of keeping an eye out, Bryant left B-Mickie unattended for too long. He was able to break out of the trunk he was locked in. Once he was out, he went straight to the hospital. Unfortunately, while he was missing from the world, his mother ended up passing away. It’s obvious that B-Mickie’s number one target is now Detective Bryant. It’s going to be very interesting to see how he plays it moving forward.

Source: Courtesy / Starz
We have never seen Lamar look as human as he did this episode. A big part of it might be due to the fact that he has become infatuated with giving his dog Blackie a better life. After nursing him back to decent health, the dog became severely sick again. A veterinarian recommended that he put the dog down. Not knowing what else to do, Lamar took Black to Pastor Swift’s church in hopes that he could heal the dog. Pastor Swift ends up pulling out a gun on Lamar before some deacons ushered him out. Lamar is all over the place at the moment. It might be the perfect time for Mo and Meech’s plan to come into place since Lamar is at his most vulnerable point. Besides the dealings with his dog, Lamar was relatively quiet this episode. With the Flenory and PA Boys still looking for him, we can’t expect that to stay the same for much longer.

Source: Courtesy / Starz
Can things get any more crazy with these two? Or maybe the question should be can Charles get any crazier? While Lucille was home talking to Nicole, Wanda and her mother, Charles was supposed to be working an extra shift (We found out that Terry cashed out of the car business). After last week’s episode, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody that Charles was back with Mable. This time, she took him to the strip club. While the two were enjoying a lap dance, Meech walks in and catches his father red handed. He hits him with the biggest look of disappointment.
Although Meech assured his father that he wouldn’t rat him out, Charles is now at a crossroads. Is he going to continue living like he’s single and risk ruining his family? Or will he get his act together and leave the wild life he’s leading alone? We will definitely find out in the coming weeks. Drop your thoughts on the sixth episode of season two in the comments and also let us know what you think will happen next week!