11 Lines From Mary J. Blige’s ‘My Life’ Album That Perfectly Describe Being FWB

Before SZA and Cardi B gave us albums to help us heal from f***boy and f***girl madness, there was only one Queen who had the personal experience, passion and vocals to tell the story of a 20-something woman (or man) going through relationship issues. That Queen is Mary J. Blige, and 25 years ago, she released her second studio album My Life which took her career, and her fan base, to another level.
These days, it feels as though anything that happened before the Internet existed didn’t actually happen. For example, millennials think the idea of having a friend with benefits is something they created. But Auntie Mary has been talking about her FWB situationship since 1994.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of the classic album, hit the flip to check out the lyrics that perfectly describe the many stages of having a friend with bennies.
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