Liquid Ritual Releases New Wave Weapon By DYZPHORIA & Slayloverboy – FUXWITHIT

The appearance of a hardwave playlist on Trap Nation, featuring some community favourites the like of Juche and skeler., has been a clear signal that have is more and more penetrating the scene. However, besides this occasional mainstream outburst, wave’s prevalence around the world has been steadily on the rise as the strong local scenes continue to evolve and create solid foundations for the future of the movement. In North America the charge is lead by DYZPHORIA, who some of you may know from his work with Lil Peep, if not by the Premiere we did past year.
Today, he returns for the fourth time on the UK imprint Liquid Ritual with a brand new release titled ‘RATHERFEELNOTHING’, in collaboration with fellow producer Slayloverboy. The magic formula is spot-on as usual. The heavy trap drums and the trance-inducing synthesizers vie for the listener’s attention throughout the track, but inevitably we’re lured by the melancholic charm of the distorted vocal lines, that obsessively swirl over the other elements in a hysterical, hypnotic ballet. The ecstasy driven by this wave is so high that at some point you’ll inevitably start to wonder if the voices you’re hearing are indeed in the song or if it’s all happening in your head. All this in 2.47 minutes. Trust me when I say you won’t be satisfied until you’ve listened to it at least ten times in a row.
Don’t hesitate any longer and join the ‘RATHERFEELNOTHING’ experience by streaming the track below.