Hudson Mohawke Continues Beat Dominance In 'B.B.H.E.' – FUXWITHIT

As one of the undisputed kings of trap, Hudson Mohawke never ceases to impress. His latest feat? Dropping a surprise 14-track album of unreleased gems just 11 days after dropping his Heart Of The Night EP.
“Back at start of lockdown I decided I was gona release some music of mine that I’d just rediscovered, after thinking it was lost,” the legend tweeted just last night. With that, the Glasgow-based artist decided to drop a thirty-minute excursion through electronic music, offering a plethora of varied styles in the 14-track endeavour. Ranging in length from 42 seconds to 5 minutes, and in style from hip-hop beats to experimental trap, HudMo shares an eccentric mix of tracks sure to please a wide array of listeners. Personal favourites include the laidback, feel-good ‘Animo’ and ‘Tar,’ as well as the highly-awaited ‘100HM,’ but we highly recommend you dive into the collection and pick your favourites below.