'Everybody' Get Ready To Party With Mike Snatchers And ethanplus' Latest Bop – FUXWITHIT

What’s better than a good story to end this challenging year? One of those beautiful, Disney-style, tales crowded by brave heroes, valiant allies, and obviously a bad villain who tries to turn the world upside down.
Like many others, our story begins like this. Once upon a time, there were two fantastic artists, Mike Snatchers and ethanplus, who, following their own path, were happily living and breathing music. Then, 2020 arrived and, envious of such great creativity, tried everything in its power to hinder the plans of these two boys. Giant fires, a worldwide pandemic, endless social distancing, copious conspiracy theories, despite the adverse conditions, our heroes didn’t lose faith and continued tirelessly on their respective journeys. On a cold winter day, the brave Mike Snatcher met an unexpected ally: the Champions Of The Underground. Who are they? Some say they’re an unofficial Drake fan club, but the most reliable sources report they are mystical guild devoted to combing the internet for the best new music and finding artists you’ve never heard of but are guaranteed to love. Following the Champions in their crusade for the empowerment of good music, Mike finally ended up meeting ethanplus. Bonded by the same burning passion for music, the two decided to join forces to give the evil 2020 the coup de grace. So here came ‘Everybody,’ a deadly weapon made of irresistible percussion, infectious vocal loops and hilarious samples.
In case you’e wondering, no, this isn’t just a fairy tale. It’s actually based on a true story that has warmed my heart. Be sure to stream ‘Everybody’ and to ask Mike Snatchers how things went down for real!
Funny tales apart, the real moral of this story was meant to be a big thank you to all the artists who continued to churn out excellent music amidst this stormy year. Without your songs, EPs, albums, these months would have been much, much worse.
Thank you!