DJ Akademiks Sued For Rape And Defamation In New Lawsuit

Warning: The following article contains triggering language related to sexual assault, abuse, and rape.
DJ Akademiks has been sued for rape, defamation, and sexual assault in a new lawsuit. Rolling Stone reports that a woman named Fauziya “Ziya” Abashe filed the suit. Abashe stated that she dated Akademiks, né Livingston Allen, after initially meeting him in 2021. However, the relationship took a turn in 2022 after DJ Akademiks invited Ziya to his house.
Although she hadn’t seen him for almost a year, she didn’t suspect he had “ill intentions” regarding his invite on July 16, 2022. Upon arrival, Abashe claims to have met two men, John Doe 1 and John Doe 2, who she claimed drugged her and plied her with alcohol before sexually assaulting her near Allen’s pool deck. The woman details the alleged incident in her lawsuit, claiming the alcohol “impacted her memory and caused her to lose consciousness.”
The suit continues, alleging that Abashe woke up hours later at around 4 AM on July 17, 2022. She allegedly found herself in a bedroom with DJ Akademiks, who she said was “pulling her hair, prying open her legs, and brutally raping her.” Abashe accuses Livingston of “penetrating her anally and vaginally” as she “begged” him to stop.
The woman then claims she was “crying for most of this assault but losing her ability to move physically.” Then on July 18, 2022, Abashe approached Akademiks, asking him about what transpired the night before. He allegedly pointed to a garbage can containing two condom wrappers which Abashe understood as the two Jon Does “[taking] her into another room in the house and continued to rape her brutally,” the lawsuit reads. She also alleged that DJ Akademiks even showed her surveillance footage of the pool assault.
“According to Ms. Abashe, as she watched the video, she looked like she was just lying there lifeless, which did not sit right with her,” the suit reads.
Text messages were added to suit which detail a conversation between Allen and Abashe. The suit recalls the internet personality telling the woman to “get tested” and insists that he would also “get tested.” She found the dialogue “odd” because, at the time, Allen had not slept with her for over a year. But after piecing together his remarks, she knew he had “engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse that night.”
The lawsuit then details how Abashe went to a hospital for a rape kit. She claims that the kit located some of Allen’s sperm leftover from the attack. Abashe took her story to the authorities, where they photographed “bruises on Abashe’s arm, back, buttocks, and legs.” Her suit details a “recorded wire” conversation that she had with Akademiks where she asked him about what happened between them that night. The suit details that Allen, “graphically recount[ed] and admit[ed] to having sexual intercourse” with her, “even going so far as to describe her vagina.”
This admission led to the police obtaining a warrant to search Akademiks’ premises. Abashe later claimed that Akademiks “disposed of several items at the dumpster near his office. Presumably, Mr. Allen was attempting to destroy the evidence of Ms. Abashe’s rape.”
This is the first time Abashe has addressed Akademiks since she publicly called him out in December 2023. She came forward and stated that Ak assaulted her and would address more in due time. Akademiks denied her claims on a Rumble livestream, stating that the “situation went to the cops over a year and a half ago. Me and my lawyer were openly cooperative because [when it comes to] serious allegations — I don’t care who’s involved — I don’t want weird sh*t happening around me.”
He later told his audience that she wasn’t assaulted but rather “she was getting trained by my two mens on my pool deck.”
Abashe’s lawsuit claimed Ak “defamed” her by “accusing her of voluntarily having an orgy with his friends at his home while maintaining that he never participated at all.” She also stated that Ak knew his comments were “misleading and false, as he was in possession of text messages from Ms. Abashe, where she stated that she did not know what happened to her on July 16, 2022, and that it was Mr. Allen who informed her of the night’s events.”
“I’m confident that justice will prevail and the veil will be removed so no other woman will have to endure what I did,” Abashe added in a statement regarding the case.