aiden And anko Take A Trip To 'seattle' – FUXWITHIT

If you’re into joyful and positive sounding heat, then look no further because aiden and anko got you covered. Their brand new banger ‘seattle’ will transport you back to the simpler times. Opening beautiful memory doors you thought you lost the key to. Songs such as this sheds a whole new light on dark times. Listeners need tracks like this to keep going. To stay inspired from day to day. And these two beat wizards do a fantastic job at creating a happy and gorgeous feeling through the spectrum.
‘seattle’ is a bouncy and everlasting fun adventure. Every second is filled to the brim with intoxicating patterns and insane production quality. From anko’s majestic first drop, to aiden’s cooled off version in the second, these guys are true masters at their craft. The future bass chords combined with some hard hitting drums is one of the best feelings to hear. It brings the characteristics together in a memorable fashion. Making you want more. But fear not because aiden’s part is about to take the stage. Turning the energetic beginning and cooling it off with a heavy lo-fi arrangement was such a unique path to take. aiden’s subtle but impactful sound design grasps the listener’s attention to the fullest and creates a soothing trip for all to enjoy. Leaving us off with an airy and soft soundscape. Saying farewell for now.
Time and time again, aiden and anko have proven to be some of the most forward thinking musicians in the underground to date. Their musical chemistry speaks loud and proud through this song. We’re excited to hear where they take us to next. Go support by streaming ‘seattle.’