Stay Woke: 5 Tips To Avoid Getting Caught Out There Appropriating On Cinco De Mayo

Americans always hollerin’ about cultural appropriation, when some of us literally dress up as Leprechauns on St. Patrick’s Day.


And we never miss the opportunity to get wasted on Cinco De Mayo — yet we live in a country where the President has it out for our Mexican bredren.


But what does Cinco De Mayo even represent? Well it’s not Mexican Independence Day like some thought. The day actually commemorates a Mexican victory over French troops in the Battle of Puebla, which was nowhere near pretty.


According to USA Today, Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over the French forces of Napoleon III on May 5, 1862, at the Battle of Puebla. Mexico had trouble paying back war debts to European countries, and France had come to Mexico to collect that debt.Carlos Tortolero, president of the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago, told reporters, Cinco de Mayo has become more of an American holiday than a Mexican one. But most non-Mexican Americans have “no idea” about the day’s history.

The Independent noted:

The holiday is widely seen as a celebration of Mexican cultural heritage for America’s growing Hispanic population. Latino activists raised awareness for the holiday in the 1960s. In large part, those early holidays in the US were a forum to celebrate the fact that a group of ragtag indigenous people were able to successfully hold back French forces. The holiday has really taken off in the US since then and people today celebrate with parades, parties, mariachi music, and traditional Mexican foods.

It’s not even a huge deal in Mexico to indulge in Cinco Day activities. Banks, Schools and offices still operate per usual. So don’t be the wacky American pointing the finger at White folks with locs, yet you’re out here guzzling Tequila shots on May 5th, rocking a Sombrero.

Check out these 5 tips to avoid being an appropriater on Cinco De Mayo.

1. Sombreros and fake mustaches are racist AF. Don’t do it.


2. Volunteer for some immigrant rights organizations instead of partying.


3. Go to Mexico and spend your money  there, to help build the economy.


4. Cook some real Mexican cuisine, instead of eating at a faux Mexican Food chain.


5. Please, do not use a fake Mexican accent or make up fake Spanish words, like “El Drinko”.


So before you decide to dive head first into the Cinco De Mayo festivities, just consider how some of actions can be taken as offensive to others. Don’t be like Trump, please.