Read All About It: Fans Debate Who Was More Extra Between Ginuwine and Sisqó

Source: Michel Linssen/Redferns / SGranitz/WireImage / Getty
The late 1990s through the early 2000s was a special time for music, specifically R&B. You couldn’t turn on the radio (or television for that matter) without hearing the crooners of the time professing their love, confessing their faults or a combination of both. As infectious as the music was, being a good singer or performer wasn’t enough. A lot of the artists during the time were bigger than life, or at least that’s how they acted. Everything seemed to be so much more drawn out back then. Two artists that definitely knew how to do the most are Ginuwine and Sisqó. A tweet from @HerSelections posed a question that made the world realize exactly how different the times were.
The poll simply asked ‘Who was more extra, Ginuwine or Sisqó?” The latter got 77% of the votes. Before showing the extraneous of both, it’s important to note how big each of these artists were and how their careers parallel more than we might realize. Ginuwine was born in the nation’s capitol, Washington D.C. while Sisqó was born roughly 40 miles away in Baltimore, Maryland. They both started their careers in groups (Swing Mob and Dru Hill, respectively) and then went on to have successful solo careers. The two singers have both enjoyed having huge Billboard hits that are still very relevant to this day.
Besides their undeniable talent, one thing these two have in common is the fact that they are both characters. There have been countless instances of both men going above and beyond to entertain fans during performances, videos and awards shows. Whether it was Ginuwine coming out on a stretcher or Sisqó legit walking on a woman, the foolery between these two can’t truly be measured. Who had the more memorable moments though? Who was more outlandish with their antics? Check out a gallery below of both of them doing the absolute most. Let us know which one you think takes the cake in the comments.
1. Look At The Moves
2. On The Bike? Lmao
3. Walkin’ On The Baddies
4. Call 911
5. He Really Was Yelling. Lmao
6. In His Own Crib. Hahaha
7. Making It Rain. Lol
8. Where Did He Get This Tiger?
9. Watch Out Mya!
11. Come On Bruh. Lmao