Now that Emis Killa will not go to Sanremo, Italy will be a better place

Now that Emis Killa will not go to Sanremo, Italy will be a better place
“I am really happy that Emis Killa has retired from the Festival. I don’t know if my statement led him, I had informed the leaders of the Rai of this shame: via the people inadequate by the Festival“. So Maurizio Gasparri commented on Adnkronos the news of the retreat from the Sanremo Festival of Emis Killa.
“I hope they have led him to the retreat both my words and a return of wisdom of Rai, because of this Rai in the public service singing competition we also dry out. Decoro and honor are worth for everyone, not only for politicians. That Emis Killa finds a job“.
Apparently the problem of Italy is that Emis Killa participates or not at the Sanremo Festival and I believe that all Italian citizens are happy to help pay the salary to a senator who is said to be happy because he has achieved his goal: to do yes that a rapper does not participate in the festival.
One less, now surely Italy will be a better place to live, we will all feel safer in leaving the house knowing that Emis Killa will not be in Sanremo.
It is absurd that the group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate think of Emis Killa so much so that he solicits him to find a job, as if being a singer for 15 years is not a job.
To Senator Gasparri now only remains one thing to do: find a way to eliminate Tony Effe from the Festival.