11 authors sign 70% of the songs competing in Sanremo: Codacons complaint to the Antitrust

11 authors sign 70% of the songs competing in Sanremo: Codacons complaint to the Antitrust
The fact is that this year 11 authors signed almost 70% of the songs competing in Sanremo. Federica Abbate signed seven songs: Clara, Rose Villain, Serena Brancale, Sarah Toscano, Fedez, Emis Killa and Joan Thiele.
Davide Simonetta signed five: Francesco Gabbani, Rocco Hunt, Achille Lauro, Elodie and Francesca Michielin.
Jacopo Ettorre signed four: Clara, Rkomi, Serena Brancale and Sarah Toscano.
Davide Petrella also signed four: The Kolors, Elodie, Tony Effe and Gaia.
As well as Nicola Lazzarin who signed the songs of Rose Villain, Serena Brancale, Fedez and Emis Killa.
A situation that is absolutely not new and has been repeating itself since last year. As Codacons underlines in a complaint to the Antitrust, “many of the names that appear this year as authors of the songs in the competition are the same ones who wrote the lyrics or melodies of the songs presented in Sanremo last year, a common thread that raises doubts about the existence of a possible caste on the recording front” .
For these reasons, Codacons has decided to present a complaint to the Antitrust“to evaluate the existence of possible anomalies or alterations of the market deriving from possible cartels or anti-competitive situations in the Italian recording sector”.
Codacons speaks of a “recording class capable of causing damage to the sector, consumers and artists and singers who are not part of itand who therefore have greater difficulty in positioning themselves on the market and having access to the Sanremo Festival, both of the users, through a flattening of the style of the songs in competition”. Not to mention “the implications on a purely competitive level (for example for other authors who have signed songs excluded from the Festival) considering the copyrights confiscated by those who sign the lyrics and music of the songs competing in Sanremo”.