TroyBoi's Latest Truly Is A 'MADTING' – FUXWITHIT

It’s officially TroyBoi season, and it’s our favourite time of the year. Just 3 weeks after dropping 3 new tracks in one day, Troy returns with a new single entitled ‘MADTING.’ Living up to its name, this one is truly MAD. Built around some hypnotic vocal bends, this one is subtly masterful. With each passing bar, the producer adds in new elements while shifting out others. From the impeccably clean percussion to the vocals which expand in length as the song progresses, to the cavernous bass and wild sound design flourishes, each layer pulls you in more deeply. The psychedelic guitar riffs and lush synths are the perfect final touches to take it to another level. ‘MADTING’ plays like a painting being finalized right before your eyes. Each element serving as another brush stroke on this enticing work of art. When he adds in his iconic T-R-O-Y-B-O-I signature, you know this fine piece is finally complete.
Listen to ‘MADTING’ below on repeat as it gets better and better with each listen.