Plies Rips Donald Trump Supporters Who Want To “Take Over” America

Plies called out Donald Trump supporters who want to “take over” America. On Friday (March 1), the Florida artist took to Instagram to rip into Trump’s fanbase. He shared a video of MSNBC’s Vaughn Hillyard speaking with a Trump supporter at a rally.
The video regresses into paranoia as the woman insists that if President Joe Biden wins reelection there will be “total mayhem.” “I think it’s going to be the only choice that some people see,” she said. Hillyard then asks the supporter if people could die over Biden getting back into office. The unnamed woman hypothesizes that “it could be; It’s called collateral damage and the cost of war.” She also asserted that they would be willing to do a hostile “take over” of the whole country to get Trump back in office.
Plies had thoughts about the video and flat-out went in on Trump’s fanbase. He asserted that they are blatantly detailing how they would essentially form another insurrection.
“Dear America: Their Telling U Exactly What They Gone Do!!! Look At This Woman’s Face She Means Every Word Of This!! If Y’all Think It’s A Game This All U Need To See!!! If This America I Don’t Want No Part Of It!!! I Know I Know Trump 2024,” he typed, ending with American flags and clown emojis.
The Southern rapper recently called out the former president for trying to win over the Black vote with gold sneakers. In late February, he posted a video of Fox News pundit, Raymond Arroyo, discussing how genius it was that Trump was connecting with his Black base with sneakers. Plies found the whole ordeal comical and called out Trump for the tomfoolery.
“Don’t Get Mad At Me I Didn’t Say It He Did!!! I’ve Been Told U Who It Was Made For B/c This Is How They Feel About Y’all,” he typed. “They Feel This Is The Level Y’all On. U Not Smart Enough For Anything Else. Connect With U Thru Sneakers. I Know I Know Trump 2024.”
He also called out Trump for claiming that Black people resonated with him because they have criminal histories like himself. Trump made the strange comments at a Black Conservative Federation Honors Gala in Columbia, S.C. There, the controversial politician argued that his criminal history wasn’t done in vain. He pressed that he was “being indicted” for “the Black population.”
“(They Criminals Just Like Me),” Plies typed in another attack on Donald Trump. “I’m Not Even Gone Lie I’m Starting To Like The Casual Racism He Gives U. Keep Treating Them Like “Tim Scott” Trump!!! They’ll Jump Even Higher For U!!! I Know I Know Trump 2024.”