knick., keeth And ashvin Elevate On A Whole New Level With 'disconnect' – FUXWITHIT

Blessing the industry with pure might and inspiration, knick. keeth and ashvin have dropped their newest collaboration, ‘disconnect.’ A piece which truly highlights all of their skills and techniques coming together in harmony. Blowing listener’s minds with each play, and conquering the underground with bliss. For a long time now, all three musicians have touched the souls of many. From everlasting self-releases, heart-wrenching collaborations and more, these masters continue to inspire. Showcasing some serious talent with their cinematic creations. All holding unique and forward-thinking characteristics. Like nothing you’ve ever heard before. And for them to all team up is nothing but uplifting and exhilarating.
‘disconnect’ is a ride through the eye of a storm. Giving you feelings of exhilaration, calmness, and overall peace of mind. Hearing all of their styles and signature qualities, it’s really honors their friendship and hard work as a team. Every section never feels the same, and keeps progressing with even more surprises every second. The way they can create a whole new world through melody and rhythm such as this is unbelievable. From satisfying 808’s, high-quality synths, and masterful grooves, you’ll never want this work of art to end. Just when you think it’s over, they throw in unexpected parts to keep the flow moving at a constant and organic pace. Creating some of their finest art to date. So if you’re looking for a wild and gratifying journey, this is the song you’ll be thinking of first. So make sure to go support these icons by streaming ‘disconnect’ via SoundCloud!