Barack And Michelle Obama Officially Endorse Kamala Harris For President: “We’ve Got Your Back”

VP Kamala Harris is hitting the ground running with her 2024 presidential campaign, and her list of endorsements just locked in a very important co-sign. On Friday morning (July 26), Barack and Michelle Obama shared voiced their official support for the former attorney general by giving her a heartwarming call.
The video opens up with Harris answering the phone call from the married couple, exclaiming, “Oh, you’re together! It’s good to hear you both.”
The mom of two kicked off the conversation with, “To my girl Kamala, I am so proud of you. This is going to be historic.”
Barack then expressed their official dedication by saying, “We called to say Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and get you into the Oval Office.
“Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me,” Harris responded. “Most of all, I just want to tell you, the words you have spoken and the friendship that you have given mean more than I can express. Thank you both.” Check out the video of the call below.
The Obama’s enthusiasm was extended on social media, as they both wrote messages to Harris for everyone to read. “Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend @KamalaHarris. We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States, and that she has our full support. At this critical moment for our country, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure she wins in November. We hope you’ll join us,” wrote the 44th U.S. President.
The Becoming author’s post added, “I’m so proud of my girl, Kamala. Barack and I are so excited to endorse her as the Democratic nominee because of her positivity, sense of humor, and ability to bring light and hope to people all across the country. We’ve got your back, @KamalaHarris!”
Speaking of support, Beyoncé seemingly confirmed her alliance with Harris by giving her the okay to use “Freedom” as the official soundtrack to Harris’ debut campaign video. The one-minute clip includes scenes of people rallying, as shots of Black people, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and others cheer on. The VP also declares her promise to tackle gun violence, health issues, topics on abortion, poverty, and more. In the ad, she takes shots at Donald Trump’s long list of legal troubles as well.
Watch the ad below and check out a full list of people who have endorsed Kamala Harris so far here.