Above And Below Initiate Hyperdrive To Another Galaxy With 'Sounds From Above Vol. 2' – FUXWITHIT

Back in March of 2019, the Above & Below team dropped something brand new. A compilation filled with melodic treats for all to enjoy called Sounds From Above Vol.1. Recruiting some of the best underground melodic benders, each artist gave it their all for a euphoric experience. So now it’s time for round two with their Sounds From Above Vol. 2. Chosen from different spectrums of the industry are some of the best of the best. When it comes to emotion and melody, these artists are the ones to do it with spice and attitude. Musicians such as goodknight, moonfang, soulecist and more have all taken part in this beautiful movement into the stratosphere. Creating melodies never heard before and bringing in some of the most unique energy to the table. Each being a master at their own signature style, it was very wise to share the spotlight with these upcoming legends.
Sounds From Above Vol. 2 holds some real intricate thinking music. Each has their own way of telling a story or emotional feeling the artist has. While also honoring the label to its core. From everlasting sound design, pattern and overall atmosphere, this will have you on your knees with awe. Every musician really took the time and effort to build a brand new universe for themselves and their audience to explore and experience. With so many characteristics to behold, you’ll be having this compilation on repeat for a long time. Trying to catch that unheard fill or quality being snuck in. It’s a gorgeous group of gems to dissect. To support all of these wonderful souls, make sure to go stream Sounds From Above Vol. 2 everywhere.