Chalumeau’s “La Vérité”: The Ultimate Anti-Love Song

Chalumeau 'La Vérité': The Ultimate Anti-Love Song

Chalumeau ‘s “La Vérité” offers a sophisticated, French-language alternative to Valentine’s Day playlists, exploring love remorse and subtextual truths. The standalone, timely for those seeking more than usual from love songs, demonstrates the duo’s clear passion for French culture and music.

In “La VéritéChalumeau defines the term “l’esprit de l’escalier.” A French term for the perfect comeback delivered too late. The music interweaves Bergeron’s classically trained vocals and Rovan’s smooth tenor saxophone.

The lyric video is an homage to Louis Malle‘s “Ascenseur à l’échafaud” (Elevator to the Gallows), with its vintage moody lighting that befits the tone of the song. “La Vérité” is an “Anti-Valentine,” a song for those who can relate to the messy relationships.

The lines, “Je ne peux ni dire tous mes sentiments ni trouver toutes les rimes justes” (I am unable to say all my feelings nor find all the right rhymes), convey the frustration of unsaid feelings. The refrain, “Je vais chanter la vérité toujours quand je pense à toi” (I will always sing the truth when I think of you)“, suggests that song is a more effective means of communicating the truth than words.

Bergeron and Rovan, the creative minds behind Chalumeu, bring with them loads of experience in classical music, jazz, and songwriting. Their music deeply resonates with listeners, reflecting individual stories and universal human experiences