The reasons that led to Shiva’s sentence to 6 years in prison have been made public

The reasons that led to Shiva’s sentence to 6 years in prison have been made public

Shiva today celebrates the platinum certification of his latest album and in the meantime we return to talking about his legal vicissitudes.

Specifically, the reasons that pushed the judges to issue the first degree sentence last July 10th and to sentence the rapper to 6 and a half years in prison for the shooting that occurred on July 11th 2023 in front of his recording studio in Settimo Milanese, in which two MMA fighters were injured.

“It is fully inserted into a cultural context that feeds on mutual aggression” we read in the sentence. And then again, the discovery of two machetes in his car during the search carried out at the time of the arrest demonstrates for the magistrates “the aggressive and violent attitude that characterizes the personality of the accused”. The argument of Shiva’s lawyers was also rejected, as they relied on self-defense against the attacks received. According to the judges, Shiva shot his attackers “with offensive intent”, aiming at eye level while they were already fleeing. The sentence effectively excludes that “he acted in a situation of self-defense”, since at the time of the shots “the danger had ceased”.

Finally, the judges underline “the absolute silence that characterized the behavior of the subjects involved in the affair, indicative of an aggressive and retaliatory mentality”.

Shiva is accused of attempted murder, illegal possession of a firearm and receiving the pistol, which was never found.